Wellsprings Within

Taking Ordinary Experience into Extraordinary Realms of Awareness

Have you ever asked the question, “is there more to life than just everyday awareness and what could that be like?” If so, here you’ll find some very uplifting poetry that may shed some light on this by providing deeper multi-layered perspectives. Within this collection of poetic expressions, the mystical coexists with or is perceived to interpenetrate ordinary life. Ultimately, by suspending fixed ideas, judgements or preconceived notions of what you think is true about reality, a passage is created to travel through the vehicle of poetry into transcendent realms.

In this book the many experiences and flavors of life are encountered in poetic forms. Important questions regarding life and its ephemeral nature are posed, in relation to family, the natural world and a yearning to fully appreciate the qualities that are intuited and experienced with living a conscious existence. Observations and inquiries regarding the nature of reality as it is known to the human mind and experienced under every day and extraordinary circumstances, are reflected in some of these poetic expressions. Moreover, the possibility of a greater conscious awareness, that connect us with everyone and everything, is perceived as a primary force within the human psyche.

In this collection of poetry written over a ten-year period, the author explores and speculates regarding varying perspectives on enlightenment and transcendent experiences. Many of these poems are experiential moments of revelation, expressed through observations of nature, the cosmos and daily life. Light or illumination, or the lack there-of, are recurrent themes and metaphors that express a very human desire to know one’s self fully. Some of the obstacles to an enlightened knowing of one’s authentic self are exposed in light-hearted poetry. Moreover, the discernible joy that can fulfill a heart in discovering an inner connectivity with nature and fellow humans, known as unconditional Love, is celebrated.


Conscious Contentment:

Your Roadmap to a Life of Fulfillment

51rRI1SyDxL._SX339_BO1,204,203,200_How many times in life has stress felt overwhelming? How often have you asked yourself, “Where is the peace and serenity?” Almost everyone longs for fulfillment and contentment, but often feel that these are elusive and, at best, short-lived. In “Conscious Contentment”, a reader will learn how to shift from agitation to tranquility when imbalances and stress arise. This heightened awareness is learned by developing an acute sense of mindful appreciation, cultivating thankfulness, and remaining in the precious present moment. The centerpiece of this method is the discovery of creative spaces of sanctuary (or SOS) that are the unique gifts and abilities in every life. Through recognizing, cultivating and applying these creative spaces in unique ways that are meaningful to the individual, deep purposeful contentment can be experienced.

Proactive approaches to Conscious Contentment include:
-Developing a meditative practice
-Establishing nonjudgmental ways of seeing things
-Cultivating an attitude of cheerful indifference
-Tossing unneeded obstructions such as worry and blame
-Learning to appreciate simplicity
-Utilizing essential oils to reduce stress and enhance wellness

Featured in this book are original poems on the theme of each chapter that serve as inspirational reminders for continued contemplation and a fascinating series of interviews on contentment from a cross section of people of varying ages and genders.


Spaces of Sanctuary:

Discovering Peace & Contentment through Prose & Poetry

spaces of sanctuaryMario Starace, M.A., wrote this book as a demonstration of the importance of finding our own Spaces of Sanctuary, those places we go to find peace and serenity. While working as a rehabilitation counselor and intensive case manager with the New York State Office of Mental Health for 30 years, he would often go and write poetry to relieve stress and overcome anxiety. Now he encourages people to find their own place…whether it’s writing, reading, painting, playing music, etc. I’ve found this to be one of the most liberating suggestions in my own quest for finding peace and happiness. I’ve started encouraging my children and friends to “Seek out their own Spaces of Sanctuary.” Cover to cover, this is a beautiful book. – L. Rostig